Last Time We Met 8/15/2024
Today our meeting was led by President
H eather Kliewer. We sang and recited the pledge:
We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Attending Leah Atkinson, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Mark Kuyava, Joe Libor, Cal Portner, Debbi Rydberg, Alan Sakry, Theresa Slominski, Marvin Sorvala, Joe Stremcha, David Vinje, Nicole Wojcik, Bill Yueill, Dave Anderson, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler, Stewart Wilson
Guests Attending John Dietz, Mayor of Elk River and representative of Beyond the Yellow Ribbon
Program Heather Kliewer started off by thanking everyone for a successful Taste event.
Cal Portner introduced John Dietz, even though he needs no introduction. John stated that he was seeking a donation from the Rotary Club for their organization. The organization was started by Tim Pawlenty to assist military families for those with deployed members, and the City of Elk River was recognized as a Yellow Ribbon City in August of 2012 after two years of trying. The organization has evolved to care for all veterans and their families, providing up to $500 for each “claim”. They are reliant on individuals to reach out to them for support since they cannot obtain names of the enlisted due to privacy concerns. They verify the individuals’ claims through the Sherburne County Veteran Services, and (unfortunately) have been attempted to scam so appreciate the verification. They provide a meal every year during the week of Veteran’s Day at the St Andrews school, coordinating with the Knights of Columbus, and it includes a program of some kind every year. They provide Christmas gifts to veterans at all facilities in Elk River and recognize the graduating seniors enlisting in military services with a $100 gift certificate that they can use at the base store where they are stationed. John provided a long list of the various services provided to the veterans in the area, including things like tree removal, snow plowing, appliance repairs, plumbing and electric repairs, rides to medical appointments, etc. Their current leader is Danita Grell, an extremely dedicated individual, who recently received the Elk River Volunteer of The Year award. John Dietz recognized Joe Libor for saving a seven-year-old boy’s life over the weekend and Joe received a round of applause.
Board & Committee Updates and Reports
Julie Fish officially inducted Joe Libor into our Elk River Rotary Club and presented him with his badge and new member information. Heather Kliewer showed a video of the Taste event. Jim Boyle is doing a huge story for the newspaper on the event. Facebook has a lot of great pictures as well. John Houlton had a great turnout and felt that he had doubled previous attendance, and said it was the best Taste ever. Numbers are still being finalized and will be reported on September 5. Julie Fish shared that ten past Rotarians were at the event. Volunteers for the vendors had a great time helping out.
Fundraising Opportunities Delights and Dilemmas
Nicole Wojcik was delighted and had a dilemma with her daughter getting ready to move to college next week as there are alternating happy and sad emotions. She was delighted for a great bridal shower for her cousin.
Bill Yueill was delighted for his granddaughter Madison’s wedding anniversary on 8/24. The family will be together at a church camp and many of them help with the creative arts program. He shared about the many family weddings over the years and the changes he has seen in wedding venues. He ended by being grateful for his family’s participation at the camp. Leah Atkinson was delighted to have mastered her Ryobi lawnmower and weed eater and can now take care of the yard herself.
Mark Kuyava was delighted to be here!
Theresa Slominski had a dilemma with the recent unexpected passing of her cousin’s husband from an aneurism at age 49. Never take any day for granted!
Bob Maxwell had a dilemma with his granddaughter with a heart defect they thought had been taken care of. She has enjoyed playing basketball and soccer up to her sophomore year, however, it looks like it will be the end of her athletic activities. An additional dollar for a great TASTE.
Cal Portner was delighted to have completed another successful election and shared it is quite an amazing accomplishment with all volunteers. Alan Sakry was delighted to have had time with Jordan for four days, who is now back in Kansas.
Debbi Rydberg was delighted to have a camping trip this weekend with friends, having a great membership picnic, super great Taste of Elk River and kudos to Katie, and for the Chamber’s new parking lot.
Katie Harstad had a dilemma that her baby brother has re-enlisted for eight more years in the Air Force as a pilot, as he and his family will be missed. She had a delight that she will be leaving Rockwoods to take position at the City of Elk River as the Furniture & Things Event Center Manager.
Julie Fish had a dilemma that she lost a great friend and mentor to cancer. He was her choir director and marching band director and is now singing and marching in heaven. She was delighted to be spending the weekend with her mom since her dad will be out fishing with other members of the family and at 92 is still teaching them how to fish!
Heather Kliewer was delighted for Katie’s new position, and a successful Taste, having all six grandchildren together over the weekend, and CAER Food Shelf is having their garage built with a driveway.
Happy Birthday none today, maybe do group birthdays once a month in the future, like we did in July.
Card Draw No winner today.
Other Items Club Assembly will be September 5 and it will be a Taste update. August 29 will be the Board Meeting.
Pearls of Wisdom: “You don’t have to be serious all the time to do a good job.” Simone Biles
Last Time We Met 8/8/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Heather Kliewer.
We sang and recited the pledge: We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Attending Terry Bizal, Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Tove Lichty, Laura Mullennex, Cal Portner, Garrett Prehatney, Pete Reiner, Debbi Rydberg, Alan Sakry, Theresa Slominski, Marvin Sorvala, Joe Stremcha, Nicole Wojcik, Dave Anderson, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler, Stewart Wilson
Guests Attending - None
Program Today was all about the Taste and final planning, organization, and preparations for the evening event. Heather thanked many for their work to have a successful event this year:
Cal Portner for website support, Neil Gagnon for licenses and expenses, Roger Clemons for the wheel construction, Debbi Rydberg for volunteer coordination and vests, Bob Maxwell for ticket sales, Theresa Slominski for sponsors, Melanie Clemons food vendors, John Osterman for beverage vendors, and Katie Harstad for EVERYTHING!
Board & Committee Updates and Reports The program 8/15 will be John Dietz with Beyond the Yellow Ribbon.
Fundraising Opportunities Delights and Dilemmas Heather Kliewer was delighted for her granddaughter’s baptism at Christ Our Light Church and her brother’s birthday on the same day, dilemma for Doug’s truck’s power steering going out, but Collins Towing showed up and towed the truck away and the grandsons got tattoos so that was a delight, and then another dilemma that the brakes went out in the Jeep, delighted for new carpet and her family visiting for the weekend.
Julie Fish was delighted for her 30th “great”, a girl, born on 8/8, and for this great Elk River Rotary club.
Debbi Rydberg was delighted for the bridal shower for her niece put on successfully by the four aunts who didn’t all know each other, and delighted she talked with her daughter Amanda who was excited for her first week of school to be over, and finally for Katie Harstad and all her work on the Taste event – she is phenomenal!! Nicole Wocjik was delighted for the Taste tonight, her daughter moving in two weeks to Moorhead, and her cousin’s bridal shower. Theresa Slominski was delighted for her anniversary on 8/9 celebrating 33 years, and for her son able to be at the cabin last weekend. Terry Bizal was delighted for his enjoyment of retirement; he highly recommends it!
Happy Birthday - None today
Card Draw - No winner today.
Other Items Joe Stremcha needs to trade with someone for his program on 9/26 as he will be out of town on the East Coast.
Update on Mark Kuyava that he will be there tonight. He has lifting restrictions but has finished his eight weeks of PT and is on the mend!
Pearls of Wisdom: “….and down the stretch they come!” (horse racing lingo in honor of the Taste event)
Last Time We Met 8/1/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Heather Kliewer. We sang and recited the pledge: We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Attending Leah Atkinson, Melanie Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Tove Lichty, Laura Mullennex, Cal Portner, Garrett Prehatney, Pete Reiner, Debbi Rydberg, Alan Sakry, Theresa Slominski, Joe Stremcha, Nicole Wojcik, Bill Yueill, Dave Anderson, Bob Maxwell, Bruce Tyler
Guests Attending Gavin Clemons, son of Melanie Clemons; Mel Beaudry, past Rotarian and ReMax Realtor here as a stand in for John Osterman; John Houlton, President and CEO of First Bank, and his wife Tanna.
Program John Houlton talked about the VIP room he is hosting at the Taste of Elk River with Ashes for April providing music and POUR providing the food. With the improved venue, they are “upping” the food, beverages and entertainment. Benny James will also be providing music during the intermission for Ashes for April, and on the main level at other times during the event. John brought six bottles of wine to sample and emphasized that there is no perfect wine – if you like it, it is good and you should enjoy drinking it! He is excited for the Taste event and looking forward to a lot of ticket sales to bring a lot of people to the event.
Board & Committee Updates and Reports Taste update – Heather and Debbi did a radio program with BOB FM this morning. Debbi has vests for those that ordered them so please see her to collect yours. The volunteer list was updated and distributed for everyone to review. Katie updated that the entire arena is lined with tables, and we have them all full. She is excited that we have eleven food vendors so far this year. The layout for the event is the raffles, the liquor vendors, the seltzers in the middle and the beer at the end. We have about 200 tickets sold so far and need to SELL MORE TICKETS!
(As I transfer this from Theresa at 7:45 pm Monday we have sold - including sponsor tickets: 278 TASTE and 117 VIP for a total of 395 for $11,995)
Heather Kliewer distributed a survey monkey to see who is able and willing to volunteer at the Livin’ event September 14.
Fundraising Opportunities Delights and Dilemmas
Neil Gagnon was delighted that his three kids are going to camp for a week, and so he and his wife have the week to themselves.
Julie Fish was delighted with Neil Gagnon’s Bank of Elk River argyle socks.
Nicole Wocjik was delighted that in three weeks she will be an empty nester.
Heather Kliewer was delighted that Jackson is moving into an apartment on 9/6 and she will be an empty nester.
Katie Harstad was delighted for her preparations for the Hairball concert coming to fruition this weekend. They have sold 2,000 tickets and expect 4,000 attendees. She was very grateful for the mapping of the grounds done by a friend for her.
Leah Atkinson was delighted that her son has turned around and is doing much better.
Card Draw Nicole Wocjik was the winner for the card draw this week with an Ace of Hearts.
Pearls of Wisdom: “….and down the stretch they come!” (horse racing lingo in honor of the Taste event coming up)
Last Time We Met 7/25/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Heather Kliewer. We sang and recited the pledge: We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Attending Dirk Barrett, Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Joe Libor, Tove Lichty, Laura Mullennex, Garrett Prehatney, Pete Reiner, Debbi Rydberg, Alan Sakry, Theresa Slominski, Joe Stremcha, Nicole Wojcik, Bill Yueill, Glen Ertel, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler Guests Attending Katie Shatusky, Director of Thumbs Ups, and Colton Hanson, grandson of Bob Maxwell
Club Assembly Laura Mullennex introduced Katie Shatusky from Thumbs Up and recent Paul Harris award recipient.
Their mission is bringing awareness to mental health and providing support and resources to all. 50% of all life-time mental health issues begin at age 14 and 75% by age 24. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among children ages 10-14. One in five adults will experience mental health illness in their lifetime, and one in twenty adults experience serious mental health each year. In seniors age 55+, suicide is one of the leading causes of death, men 75+ face the highest overall suicide rate. She lost her own grandfather to suicide in 2010 and decided to do something to bring more awareness to mental health issues since it was generally not talked about and just swept under the rug or ignored. After reading the book Silent Impact by Joe Schmidt she was inspired to have a 5k to remember her grandfather and the beginnings of Thumbs Up was started. They now have nine programs: Adultish for 16–19-year-olds, Bereavement Outreach, Nana’s Calming Corner Spaces, Cheer Bags, No One Sits Solo, Referral Assistance, Smiles for Seniors, Community Outreach Events, and Emotional Support Dogs. Their website allows you to nominate someone anonymously for bereavement gifts, cheer bags, or smiles for seniors at The most common question she is asked is how to help and her advice was to just be a good listener and offer hope, by just giving seven minutes of your time. If additional support is needed the phone number 988 is crisis support for someone considering suicide and/or for someone trying to support those considering suicide and not sure what to do.
Board & Committee Updates and Reports
Taste update – Katie
shared a Google doc that has all the information in one spot for easy reference. Promote ticket sales! We need ten times the number of tickets sold to date. Many wait until the day before or the day of the event to purchase and we want to be sure we have attendees. Share the website information and distribute flyers and brochures that are available. The event is two weeks from today! Debbi is working on the volunteer roster for the event and if you cannot be at the event, please let Debbi know as we are counting on everyone to help. A shout out to Roger Clemons for making the wheel and for visiting so many restaurants to be vendors at our event!!
Fundraising Opportunities Delights and Dilemmas
Bruce Tyler – trivia on Joe Mauer that he struck out only one time in his high school career and it was an Elk River pitcher (Paul Miner) who did it.
Tove Lichty was delighted for being in Switzerland and hang gliding – her new favorite thing!
Katie Harstad was delighted about the Hairball event at Rockwoods next Saturday.
Bob Maxwell was delighted to have Colton here, and also for attending another Chicago concert!
Julie Fish was delighted to have Colton here and his wonderful smile, for the sunshine, for fishing with her dad and catching 22 sunfish, and happy to sit by Pete and he didn’t even elbow her!
Alan Sakry was delighted for the fireworks on Saturday at the Elk River Fest.
Theresa Slominski was delighted for her daughter to be a D1 hockey coach now at Burlington Vermont.
Nicole Wocjik was in Colorado over the 4th and went four-wheeling up a mountain with Mark on the back and then hiked a 13,200-foot mountain! She would like some luck for her mud run this weekend.
Melanie Clemons was delighted for Katie Shatusky to be here and what her organization does. Her son was hospitalized for suicide prevention and then did a post with Katie on the topic and is a big advocate for the topic and reducing the stigma of it.
Debbi Rydberg was delighted for new sidewalks at the Chamber, and soon a parking lot, and a complete envelope re-wrap of the building. A dilemma that her daughter Amanda is returning to India on Saturday. Debbi said she is suing for custody rights next year as Amanda has stayed with her brothers the past two summers and Debbi wants her to stay with them next year! Pete Reiner was delighted to have attended the Grand Ole Opry and enjoyed it, even though it was a place he never, never thought he would go.
Happy Birthday There were lots of birthdays to catch up on. We sang to Glen Ertel, Pete Reiner, Roger Clemons, and Laura Mullennex today!
Card Draw There was no winner for the card draw this week.
Pearls of Wisdom: “Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” Albert Einstein
Last Time We Met 7/18/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Heather Kliewer.
We sang and recited the pledge:
We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to
inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with
integrity and genuine care.
Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Laura Mullennex, Cal Portner, Garrett Prehatney, Debbi Rydberg, Theresa Slominski, Joe Stremcha, Nicole
Wojcik, Bill Yueill, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler, Stewart Wilson
Guests Attending
Michael Spellman, Assistant District Governor
Program - Club Assembly
Heather Kliewer broke us up into three different groups and gave each group a recipe for Tater Tot Hotdish. She asked each group for three changes to the recipe to improve it or personalize it. Results were shared and then she asked us to think of ingredients for a great club. We have our own “recipe” already and asked the groups for three changes to improve or personalize our current club. Results were
shared and Heather will use the information to bring back club goal ideas for the year. It was a great exercise to have different members interact with each other and gather great ideas from the group. Heather went over her thoughts on the calendar for the upcoming year, with some key items in most months. She stated that our 65th year anniversary of our club is June 7, 2025, and we should do something special for that anniversary.
Julie Fish shared that she had a dream of having our own Rotary of Elk River Club History Book and would love to maybe have an Eagle Scout project to complete that for
our anniversary.
Bo ard & Committee Updates and Reports
Debbi Rydberg passed around a signup sheet for volunteering at the Farmers Market at a booth 7/25 to promote the Taste of Elk River ticket sales. She also passed around a signup sheet for volunteering at the Taste of Elk River. If you weren’t able to be at the meeting to sign up Debbi will be in contact with you.
Katie Harstad mentioned the website for the Taste event is and encouraged us to visit the site. Business cards with the QR code for purchasing tickets were distributed, and Katie also has signs for members to post in their businesses to advertise the Taste. She also asked if anyone is able to help visit restaurant sites to request their presence at the Taste event as Melanie is not able to visit all of them herself. The restaurants committed so far are Rockwoods, Pour Cocktail Bar and Bites, Elk River Golf Club (maybe), St. Michael Theater, Cowboy Jacks, and The Edge.
Cal Portner did a horse racing trivia game with the various Rotary teams.
Fundraising Opportunities
Delights and Dilemmas
We didn’t have time today for this.
Pearls of Wisdom:
“The goals we have achieved pale in comparison to the daily commitments it took to get there.”
Last Time We Met 7/11/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Heather Kliewer.
We sang and recited the pledge:
We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be
beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Cal Portner, Garrett Prehatney, Pete Reiner, Debbi Rydberg, Theresa Slominski, Marvin Sorvala, Bill Yueill, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler
Guests Attending
Ben Gisselman, trainer for Alcohol Liability Education (A.L.E.)
A.L.E. Training
Ben distributed handouts and went over the required training for those distributing alcohol. As we participate in the Taste event and volunteer for the Livin’ event, this applies to us. He reviewed the law and how it affects us, provided many eye-opening examples of situations, and had examples of various license documents to help recognize fake ones. For those who missed the training, is offered the first
Tuesday online at The biggest take-aways were identifying and avoiding over service of alcohol, and ensuring alcohol is never served to anyone under 21 years of age.
If we happen to fail at these responsibilities the worst-case scenario would be we don’t receive the liquor license for the following year, which would prevent us from having our event. Cal Portner confirmed we will have a police presence at the event this year.
Board & Committee Updates and Reports
Taste Update If you need a vest for the Taste event, please contact Debbi Rydberg so one can be ordered for you. (Dress attire is black pants, white (preferably collared) shirt, and a black vest with the Taste logo on it.)
Bring small bills and coins to the meeting on 7/18 for some horse-racing fun.
Fundraising Opportunities
Due to the length of time for the ALE training there was no card draw or delights and dilemmas.
Pearls of Wisdom:
“If you take out the team in teamwork, it is just work, and that’s just not fun.”
Last Time We Met 6/20/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Debbi Rydberg.
We sang and recited the pledge: We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Attending Wade Bastian, Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Laura Mullennex, Garrett Prehatney, Debbi Rydberg, Alan Sakry, Theresa Slominski, Marvin Sorvala, Joe Stremcha, David Vinje, Nicole Wojcik, Bill Yueill, Glen Ertel, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler
Guests Attending Katie and Todd Shatusky, Owen Nadeau, Doug Kliewer (husband of Heather Kliewer and celebrating 26 years of marriage today!), Ashley Hall and Jessica Ovall (staff of CAER), Hanna Johnson (staff of Thumbs Up), Don and Jody Kriser (parents of Katie Shatusky), Cindy Archer of Kiser Construction
Program Paul Harris Paul Harris awards were presented today.
Stewart Wilson was unable to attend and present as he had Covid after returning from his Europe visit. He is doing fine, just didn’t want to share that kind of love. Debbi Rydberg presented in his place. Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million people, and 46,000 clubs that are committed to integrity, advancing world understanding, goodwill and peace, through its fellowship of businesses, professional and community leaders. Today our club welcomed three new Paul Harris fellows that embrace the Rotary moto of service above self. They join over 80 other Paul Harris fellows in our club. Debbi provided the history of the Rotary Club organization, the Paul Harris fellowships, and the Rotary Foundation. Our Rotary Club contributed cash gifts and club points to the Rotary Foundation for each Paul Harris Fellow recognized today.
Our first Paul Harris Fellowship was presented by Debbi Rydberg to Theresa Slominski, current member, recent past president, and current secretary, for her dedication to the club and embracing Rotary’s values of service above self.
Our second Paul Harris Fellowship was for Katie Shatusky. Heather Kliewer introduced her as Executive Director and co-founder of Thumbs Up. She was recognized for her drive and deep-rooted passion for community service and helping others. She has worked with multiple businesses, started two small businesses, published and illustrated a children’s book “The Lady Bug Hug”, is a mother of two daughters, wife of thirteen years, and kidney donor to a complete stranger.
Our third Paul Harris Fellowship was awarded posthumously to Joy Nadeau, with her husband Owen Nadeau accepting on her behalf. Nicole Wocjik presented the award. Joy left us January 2, 2024, grew up in Robbinsdale, Mn and enjoyed visiting the family cabin in Big Lake, MN. Joy’s passion was education and children, and will be remembered for her kind heart, warm soul, and dedication to helping others. She was also the Director of Sherburne County Area United Way.
Gavel Passing Debbi Rydberg recapped her year as president. A year ago, her desire was to “amp up” the fun and increase the engagement of our members. Some goals were accomplished, others were not. One goal was to introduce Vocational Minutes and she didn’t do as many as she would have liked but was happy with the start of this opportunity to learn more about our fellow club members. Another goal was to increase community service and we collected lithium-ion batteries at the city electric vehicle event (and decided to continue the efforts in the Farmers Market this summer), did our annual clean up the river event, served hot chocolate at the United We Shiver event, continued to support students by providing books to third graders in Elk River, re-instated the Student of the Month program, and provided $6,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors in Elk River. We also supported fundraising events, raising $1,500 for Polio Plus, participated in the District’s Share the Love campaign to contribute to the Rotary Foundation, participated in the District’s Shark Tank event contributing $4,000 to three different projects in other area clubs, and moving our annual fundraiser to a new location and date. We had many successful programs to learn about the needs in our community and many thanks to Bruce Tyler for coordinating that! We had our first Membership Campaign and welcomed five new members this year (putting us on the cusp of moving from a small club category to a medium club category), and our club received an award from the District for Public Image.
Debbi installed Heather Kliewer as the next club President, passed the gavel and presented her with a president’s pin. Heather presented Debbi Rydberg with a gift of a crystal globe engraved with her name and president’s term, and a “past president” pin. Heather shared her excitement of establishing our goals for the next year as a club and is grateful for many current members of the board continuing during her term.
Board & Committee Updates and Reports
No regular meeting 6/27 - Taste meeting instead (it will be in the area next to our regular meeting room.) No meeting for 7/4 – Happy Fourth of July! Meeting 7/11 Club Alcohol and Safety Training Fundraising
Opportunities Delights and Dilemmas
Heather Kliewer was delighted for her 26th wedding anniversary, and her grandfather will be recognized as Roger’s Citizen of the Year.
Debbi Rydberg was delighted for the gavel passing, the Paul Harris winners, and going on a solo road trip to Kansas City to see her mom.
Katie Shatusky was delighted to have the support of her husband and family over the years, and that she has two staff members now.
Nicole Wocjik was delighted to have her daughter graduate from High School, have the grad party, and get her registered for classes at Moorhead State, and the opportunity to present the Paul Harris award for Joy Nadeau.
Julie Fish was delighted and happy for so many things and didn’t have enough cash for them all so just said she was SO happy.
Katie Harstad was delighted with her side job as a wedding officiant, and was so grateful for an extra tip from one of the couples.
Pearls of Wisdom: “Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work.” Seth Godin
Last Time We Met 6/13/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Debbi Rydberg.
We sang and recited the pledge: We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Attending Dirk Barrett, Terry Bizal, Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Joseph Libor, Tove Lichty, Debbi Rydberg, Alan Sakry, Theresa Slominski, Marvin Sorvala, Bill Yueill, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler Debbi gave a brief update on Mark Kuyava. He had a defective heart valve and so he had the same surgery as before to replace it and now is on the same path of recovery again.
Guests Attending Gigi Clemons, Heather a new employee in sales for Kiser Construction, Emmitt Edwards from Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Central Minnesota Program
Tove Lichty introduced Emmitt Edwards from Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Emmitt thanked us for having him and said that they really needed “Bigs” in this area, and even more so, exposure in this area. Their mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. This Central Minnesota organization covers the Canadian border to the Dakotas and serves approximately 500 youth per year. They have well known community-based programs that meet one on one with littles 2-5 times per month for 2-4 hours at a time, school programs where high school students mentor elementary students, some organized activities for Bigs and Littles to attend as a group, and Bigs on Campus where 2 times per month/every other week there is a 1 hour program at colleges and trade schools introducing students to colleges so it is not so intimidating after high school graduation. Emmitt explained their matching process for Bigs and Littles, and there is a whole team that matches up Bigs and Littles based on interests through an interview process. Some of their success statistics are 87% of Littles say their Bigs have made a positive impact, 96% report no alcohol or drug use, and 84% report higher self-esteem. There are approximately 130 Littles waiting for Bigs, with little brothers waiting an average of 321 days for a big brother, and little sisters waiting an average of 240 days for a big sister. (In Elk River, little brothers wait approximately three and a half years for a big brother, and little sisters wait approximately two years for a big sister.) Ways we can help: volunteer on various committees, BIG online auction every April, fundraising with Go Big For Kids Sake (as a business you sponsor an activity for fun to bring potential mentors together and BBBS educates the group after the fun), follow on social media, provide opportunities to present to the community, and donations.
District Updates Board & Committee U pdates and Reports
Paul Harris and Gavel Passing next week 6/20 (with a mystery guest coming!)
No regular meeting 6/27 - Taste meeting instead
Fundraising Opportunities Delights and Dilemmas Debbi Rydberg was delighted at how much fun her cats had with the tulle for her derby hat today.
Julie Fish was delighted for celebrating her father’s 92nd birthday, and being the officiate at her niece’s wedding a week later
Alan Sakry was delighted for the outdoor concert at the Edge Bar at 5:00 today, and the Farmers Market starting today.
Theresa Slominski was delighted for all the derby hats today.
Terry Bizal was delighted to have another successful graduation ceremony with 394 graduating seniors, and he is on day 2 of retirement that is going very well!
Birthday Bruce Tyler gave $10 to have a $5 Happy Birthday song
Taste update Cal Portner was not in attendance and so Katie Harstad gave a kickoff of the derby race with the teams on the website. We had nonalcoholic mint juleps to celebrate and many hats to celebrate as well!
News and Notes from the Floor Heather Kliewer updated on the Livin Festival September 14. We will be helping, we just don’t know how yet. Lithium battery collection starts today at the Farmers Market.
Pearls of Wisdom: “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” Dwight Eisenhower
Last Time We Met 6/6/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Debbi Rydberg. We sang and recited the pledge: We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Attending Dirk Barrett, Wade Bastian, Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Molly Hanson, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Dr. Laura Mullennex, Cal Portner, Pete Reiner, Debbi Rydberg, Alan Sakry, Ashley Schultz, Theresa Slominski, Bill Yueill, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler Guests Attending Seth Calvin, Garrett Prehatney, Ezra Keagan Anderson from ILT Academy, Dave Lucas from Sherburne County Solid Waste Ezra spoke briefly about the ILT Academy. He is a recruiter for ILT entrepreneurial academy, a free ten week program that is sponsored by the City of Becker and other economic development corporations in Minnesota. They are doing this because Microsoft bought 300 acres of land in Becker, MN and they are building a Data Center so ILT is giving free entrepreneurial training and education tools to entrepreneurs in the city so they can survive when this happens.
Program Mark Kuyava was supposed to have the program today and unfortunately, he is in the hospital so keep him in your prayers. Debbi introduced Dave Lucas, the Sherburne County Waste Administrator. Dave stated that solid waste is his passion as he is dedicated to preserving the environment. Counties are mandated by the state to have a solid waste plan in place that honors the reduce-reuse-recycle-organics recycling-waste to energy-landfill with gas recovery-and landfills. (These are in the order of preference for disposal.) They also coordinate the city cleanup days around the county, work with financial assistance for failing septic systems (low interest loan programs and low-income grant programs), source separated organics programs, and business recycling bin grant programs. The goal is to reduce landfill waste and make sure hazardous waste is disposed of properly. They did a study of school waste and determined that the trash was 38% food waste, and 11% “share table” waste (uneaten, whole items that are thrown away.) Organic food waste is a huge focus of the county.
District Updates Board & Committee Updates and Reports Membership Committee –
Julie Fish officially inducted Alan Sakry into membership today. She also shared that at the Board Meeting earlier today Garrett Prehatney and Joe Libor were voted in as two new members.
Taste Meeting Cal Portner introduced the team competition for ticket sales that will have a derby theme this year. There are eight teams with various “silk” colors. The teams need to determine their horse’s name, and the stable team members of owner, trainer, groom, and jockey. Cal announced the teams and next week we will have an official derby start, complete with hats, and nonalcoholic mint juleps! He also shared many horse racing terms to educate the group.
The Taste of Elk River website, developed by Emily Novotny, has been officially launched and is linked to our regular website, so ticket sales are live! The website is The horse teams mentioned above will be listed on the website for the ticket purchaser to select so the website will track the team sales and Katie will report each week on how the horse race is progressing. Be sure to share your team colors and names with people you are encouraging to purchase tickets. Sponsors will be given a promo code to use to obtain their tickets from the website. At our board meeting we discussed the THC/CBD option of beverages. We decided we are not ready for that this year and so we will be doing it next year. So…. if people ask, tell them we will not have that this year but are preparing to offer it next year. Katie and Melanie are requesting help with the food vendor recruiting. Melanie will share information she has so you can provide it to the general manager or marketing person at your favorite restaurant.
Next week 6/13 the program will be Big Brothers and Big Sisters, followed by a Taste Meeting after the regular meeting 6/20 is the gavel passing and Paul Harris presentation 6/27 will be a major Taste Meeting (no program) 7/4 there will be no meeting –
Happy 4th of July! 7/11 special alcohol training
Fundraising Opportunities Card Draw – Melanie Clemons won the card draw this week.
Delights and Dilemmas Bruce Tyler had a dilemma as he shared a traffic stop incident (that may or may not have actually happened.)
Molly Hanson was delighted for her nephew graduating Elk River High School!
Wade Bastian was delighted for a new pack starting at St Andrew’s school, and he will not be here next week as he will be fishing in ND.
Alan Sakry was delighted that Jordan is home for the week!
Debbi Rydberg was delighted that Amanda was home and had Sunshine Depot pizza!
Tove Lichty was delighted for 20/15 vision with Lasik surgery, up from 20/400!
John Osterman was delighted to have been fishing on Dead Lake and caught the limit of walleye.
Melanie Clemons was delighted to have won the card game and gave a demo of the multi-faceted pen that Kiser Construction shared with the group.
Pearls of Wisdom: “Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” Arnold Schwarzenegger
Last Time We Met 5/30/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Debbi Rydberg.
We sang and recited the pledge: We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Mark Kuyava, Dr. Laura Mullenex, Cal Portner, Debbi Rydberg, Theresa Slominski, Marv Sorvala, Joe Stremcha, Bob Maxwell, Bruce Tyler
Guests Attending:
Marissa Dickinson, granddaughter of Bob Maxwell; Joe Libor Jr., City of Elk River Fire Chief; Garrett; Lloyd Greer, owner of Twin Cities Indian Motorcycles in Rogers and St. Paul and Lloydz Garage
Program Bob Maxwell introduced Lloyd Greer to talk about Lloyd Greer and Friends, a program that was started in the state of New York for at-risk youth. Lloyd shared that this was his passion as he was once an at-risk youth himself. The program took a group of these high schoolers and they built a racing motorcycle that they then took to the Bonneville Salt Flats to “race” and set a record! The program incorporated all the studies of engineering, math, history, and geography into a Friday curriculum at his shop for the entire school year in 2013. Since then, the program has built numerous partnerships with businesses and companies to provide state of the art equipment and certification opportunities. It has also expanded into other areas of study including medicine, astrology, accounting, math, and science providing educational opportunities and real-world experiences like no other.
To learn more about the program Lloyd spoke on just click the link below for an extended video.
District Updates District 5960 is recognizing our club for a 12% growth with an increase of 3 new members. As other clubs are shrinking, this is significant – way to go Julie Fish, our Membership Chair!
June 22 is Rotary Night with the Lynx at 7:00 p.m. To purchase tickets, go to Passcode: 24ROTARY5060.
The White Bear Lake Roary Club is co-sponsoring the “Skills for Disagreeing Better” workshop with the White Bear Lake League of Women Voters and the White Bear Lake Chamber of Commerce. The workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. You can get more information and register at 894283214167?aff=oddtdtcreator
Board & Committee Updates and Reports Service Committee – Mark Kuyava We will have a lithium battery collection site each week at the Farmers Market in Elk River from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. We will also have a table at the Farmers Market on July 25, two weeks before the Taste of Elk River, and will need some volunteers (approximately 4 volunteers, 2 people for 2 shifts) for tickets and information. Board Meeting next week, June 6 at 11:00 a.m., before the regular meeting
Taste Meeting June 13 after the regular meeting, and June 27 will be a Taste Assembly in lieu of a regular meeting. No meeting July 4 July 11 Meeting will be Alcohol Liability and Education training for everyone. We haven’t had this training in a while, and it is a necessary component for a successful Taste event. (If we bartend as a service opportunity at the Livin’ Event, this will also be required.)
Rotary Vocational Minute featured Cal Portner
Fundraising Opportunities Delights and Dilemmas
Theresa Slominski was delighted for Minnesota to win the Walter Cup for the Professional Women’s Hockey League in this inaugural season.
Cal Portner was also delighted for this win and commented that the trophy was created by Tiffany & Co and was the same size and weight as the men’s Stanley Cup and was impressed that the women hoisted it above their heads and skated like the men do and no one dropped it (apparently the Stanley Cup has been dropped before.)
Marvin Sorvala was delighted to have attended the Junior College World Series to watch his wife’s grandson’s team play. They did not win the series, but they were glad they were able to see him play at that level.
Bruce Tyler was delighted that the garbage company took the child’s electric car that he and his wife dug out of the river, even though it didn’t fin in the garbage can.
Bob Maxwell was delighted for his granddaughter Marissa and her accomplishments, as well as his guest speaker Lloyd and his accomplishments.
Birthdays – We sang to Heather Kliewer for her birthday on May 29.
Card Draw - There was no winner for the card draw this week.
Pearls of Wisdom: “If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.” Anonymous
Last Time We Met 5/23/2024
Today our meeting was led by President-Elect Heather Kliewer.
We sang and recited the pledge: We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Dirk Barrett, Wade Bastian, Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Cal Portner, Theresa Slominski, Marv Sorvala, Joe Stremcha, Nicole Wojcik, Bill Yueill, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler, Stewart Wilson Guests Attending Seth Calvin, City of Elk River IT Manager; Joe Libor Jr., City of Elk River Fire Chief; Garrett
Program Our program was a no-show this week, so we moved right into Updates.
Taste Sponsorship information has been emailed to prospective sponsors and Theresa Slominski passed around a list asking Rotarians to sign up to contact any of the prospects they may have a relationship with. Cal Portner talked about a new way to have friendly competition for Taste ticket sales among Rotarians using a Horse Race Team approach. It was well received, and more information will be coming.
Heather coordinated an impromptu Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament to use some time and it came down to the two Floridians: Stewart and Marv, with Marv coming out the winner and he received a round of applause!
District Updates The district website has a scavenger hunt at There is a link that has you complete a survey form answering questions you find on their website. The prizes are a $100 gift card for first place, a $25 gift card for second and third place, and the deadline to participate is May 30.
Fundraising Opportunities Delights and Dilemmas
Stewart Wilson was delighted to be back from Florida, and he will soon be leaving again for a trip to Scandinavia and Scotland but will be back in time for the Paul Harris awards on June 20 and will be bringing a special mystery guest.
Neil Gagnon has a dilemma for being shamed at eating a tater tot right before the meeting started. He was delighted to have all the paperwork for the Taste submitted and the Paul Harris items ordered and on the way.
Marv Sorvala was delighted to be back from Florida, and also that his wife’s grandson is on a Jr. College baseball team that is #1 in the country and participating in the Jr. College world series in Grand Junction, CO and they will be flying there to attend.
Bob Maxwell was delighted to have been to IA for a Chicago concert, sitting in the second row, middle, and a VIP visit with the band too!
(Just had to share. A gift from our kids)
Julie Fish was delighted to welcome home Stewart Wilson and Marv Sorvala, that she had Garrett’s application for membership, for Memorial Day coming up to remember our heroes, her dad celebrating his 92nd birthday and still in good health, and that she has taken up a new sport of horseshoes and wants prayers for improvement in it because she is horsesh** at it.
Joe Stremcha was delighted to have been able to attend the Timberwolves basketball game last night as his grandmother won free tickets.
Theresa Slominski was delighted to be back from upstate New York visiting her daughter for her birthday, and thankful to John Osterman for taking the minutes in her absence.
Nicole was delighted that there are three days left of school for her senior daughter Haley, that they would be going up to their camper to stay for the weekend, for her cousin’s wife’s baby shower in Grand Rapids that also resulted in a girls’ night with her mom and daughter.
Heather was dilemma-ed for her son-in-law in Boseman MT on his way back through a winter weather advisory, and delighted for her granddaughter Olivia’s seventh year birthday.
Birthdays – We sang to Stewart Wilson for his birthday that was way back on April 3.
Card Draw - There was no winner for the card draw this week.
Pearls of Wisdom: “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.” JFK in honor of Memorial Day.
Last Time We Met 5/16/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Debbi Rydberg. We sang and recited the pledge:
1st off, President Debbi had me (John O) start the singing – then recited our pledge.
We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Our attendance today included Wade B, Terry B, Melanie C, Roger C, Neil G, Katie H, Thomas K, Heather K, (her meeting today with the guest speakers) Mark K, Dr. Laura, Cal P, Debbi R, Joe S, David V, Nicole W, Bill Y, David A, Maxie, John O, Buck T.
Filling out his application form, Garrett (don’t have his last name!) was present! Possible new member from the ER fire dept. – Bill Labore (sp)
Then she had our guests from the Rogers Rotary – Dave Christian and Lloyd sell their tickets ($10 ea) for the golf tourney June 11 at Fox Hollow!
Then Heather introduced our guest speakers – past District Governor Ed Marek, and Bruce & Kathy Morian – discussing their website and initiative called “ Braver Angels “. Alliance the red/blue to see eye to eye.
Braver Network nationally – “A movement for Civil Renewal”. Locally, there are presently 15 chapters attempting to ( their mission ) “Braver Angels bringing Americans together to bridge the partisan divide”. It’s an attempt to strengthen our democratic republic. As individuals, we try to understand the other side’s point of view, even if we don’t agree with it.” In our communities, we engage those we disagree with, looking for common ground and ways to work together. In politics, we support principles that bring us together rather than divide us.
Braver Angels Debates
A Braver Angel Debate is a different kind of debate in which a group of people think together, listen carefully to one another, and allow themselves to be touched and perhaps changed by each other's ideas. When done well, everyone walks out a little closer to the truth, more aware of the validity in opposing views, and with tighter community relationships. Encourages the passionate and energetic expression of ideas. Allows for the expression of nuance and ambiguity. Lets' people admit if they're not really sure which side to support.
Join the Braver Angels – just go to their website – “Braver Angels” - Braver Angels
On June 22, there is a “Rotary Night with the Lynx”. More on this as we get closer to the event. Ticket link; “ Passcode; 24ROTARY5060
District News – ready to have some scavenger hunt fun? We want to see if you can find these 6 items on our district website. We will have a drawing of all the complete submissions to win a !00 gift card for 1st place, with the 2nd and 3rd names drawn winning a $25 gift card. Deadline for all submissions is May 30. District site is “
Lots of happy dollars and birthday songs to
Debbi (our usual song) and Dave Anderson wanting the totally awful song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Card Draw - Heather Kliewer was the winner of the card draw.
Next at Rotary;
May 23 – Emmitt Edwards, Big Brothers Big Sisters. May 30 – Lloyd Greer & Friends – Twin Cities Indian Motorcycles.
June 6 - Dave Lucas, Sherburne Co. Solid Waste Administrator.
Pearl of Wisdom – there are 2 great days in a person’s life – the day we are born and the day we discover why!! William Barclay
Last Time We Met 5/9/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Debbi Rydberg. We sang and recited the pledge:
We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Dirk Barrett, Wade Bastian, Terry Bizal, Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Molly Hanson, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Mark Kuyava, Cal Portner, Pete Reiner, Debbi Rydberg, Theresa Slominski, Joe Stremcha, Nicole Wojcik, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler
Guests Attending
Student of the Month Audrey Horner and parents Adam and Kelli Horner, Calleigh Smart from Haiti Outreach, Garrett, Celina
Thomas Kerber introduced Calleigh Smart, Executive Director of Haiti Outreach. The organization started in 1997, and is based in Pignon, about 90 miles north of Port of Prince. The humanitarian crisis in Haiti right now is greater than the earthquake. Haiti is a very poor country and 75% of the population lives on less than $3 per day. Haiti is the only successful slave rebellion to form a new country. Spain and France controlled originally, and both brought slaves over from Africa. The mountainous side of the country France occupied and because of the terrain they had the “stronger” slaves that were able to defeat France at that time. The price of freedom was for 100 years they had to pay France for the lost wages and workers, essentially 80% of their federal budget, leaving no money for infrastructure. Additionally, they were largely cut off from the rest of the world for trade because no one wanted to deal with “slaves” and the political bad light. Haiti has had lots of outreach from many organizations to build wells and provide clean water sources but 50% of the wells failed or became contaminated within 18 months. Haiti Outreach wanted to figure out what happened and determined that ownership and sustainability was the problem. Calleigh provided an analogy of if your parents bought you a new car every year, would you really take care of it or just wait for the new one. Haiti Outreach built a curriculum around community buy-in and leadership, involving the community rather than just “doing” for the community, implementing a pay-for-service water model. Haiti Outreach has worked with 520 communities, impacting over a quarter of a million people, and 90% of the wells are still working after 20 years. They have worked with Rotary, and Rotary International has determined that Haiti Outreach has the best model for providing clean water and created a pilot program around it. Haiti Outreach is now working on helping to create the counter-cultural ambition and empowering people to want to develop their own country. They see that sustainable access to clean water is the catalyst for social change. The community will not “show-up” to talk about laws, regulations, leadership, or social change, but they will ALL “show-up” to talk about clean water. So, they talk about water systems and in the process talk about improving their communities and help them accomplish that.
The last Student of the Month for the year was Audrey Horner. She has 5 AP classes, is involved with Speech and Debate, Swim and Dive, National Honor Society, band, and in her spare time she is involved with her church and works at the YMCA. Her favorite classes are math, world history, and literature. When asked why math is her favorite subject she said there is always a concrete answer, even if it is challenging. Her hero is her grandpa who passed away in September because he was a person who chose to live every day with a smile and helped others in any way that he could. Her favorite memory was a 7th grade school trip to Washington DC where she was chosen to say the pledge of allegiance on National Television as part of the 75th D-Day Ceremony. Her leadership is demonstrated through attitude and work ethic, approaching every challenge with an open mind and positive attitude. Her approach to getting everything done and still having time to sleep is procrastination! She gets done what she has to do for the next hour or the next day, goes to bed every night between 10:00 and 10:30pm, and if she still has more to do for the next day, she just gets up earlier in the morning. She believes she won this award because she is hardworking, kind, and willing to face challenges.
District Updates
May is Youth Services Month for Rotary. They have a quote from Dr. Suess to promote it: “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that’s you-er that you!”
Our club took third place in the Conference of Clubs for Public Image in the small club category! There were 6 other small clubs participating, and 21 clubs in total competed in 9 areas.
Last night Debbi Rydberg and Theresa Slominski participated in Shark Tank and awarded funds to the three clubs participating: with $750 to a greenhouse and animal husbandry project in Bolivia, $750 to a clean water project in Tanzania for a vehicle to distribute ceramic filter buckets to communities, and $500 for an adult English instruction project for their “new neighbors” in the Columbia Heights/Fridely area.
Debbi shared a video she found of the Four Way Test sung by an Interact Club in Africa.
Board and Committee Updates
There will be a Taste meeting after the regular meeting May 9.
The Paul Harris ceremony will be June 20, as well as the passing of the gavel.
Fundraising Opportunities
Delights and Dilemmas
Terry Bizal was delighted to share the Elk River Pro-Start team took third place in the country at the competition in Maryland.
Katie Harstad was delighted (looking at the bright side) that their prep kitchen floors are squeaky clean due to three floods in the last two weeks.
Wade Bastian was delighted to share that Boy Scouts of America is changing their marketing to Scouting America, and their leadership breakfast is next Thursday, 7am at the American Legion.
Molly Hanson was delighted for the Wolves’ wins and hopes for four.
Melanie Clemons was delighted to ask Terry Bizal to explain the Elk Pride Award. It is for seniors who demonstrate good things in the building and is a $500 scholarship given to approximately 30 students.
Heather Kliewer was delighted to promote the mailbox collection of food for CAER Foodshelf.
Cal Portner was delighted to have attended three concerts lately. The Kenney Chesney concert on Saturday was very good - and he’s not even a country fan.
Debbi Rydberg shared that Neil Gagnon was delighted to be attending the Presidents’ Circle lunch with his mom today in lieu of Rotary.
Debbi Rydberg was delighted that Boomer received a promotion and now has a permanent route in Minneapolis instead of travelling all over the country.
Nicole Wojcik was delighted for her husband’s 53rd birthday on Saturday, Prom for Haley, and 27 days until graduation (14 days of school.)
Dirk Barrett was delighted for the rewards program at Rockwoods.
We have Celina visiting Rotary today. She was a participant prior to Covid and is glad to be back. She is the owner of BroGav Solutions, a reseller of data center equipment business.
Birthdays – There were no birthdays to celebrate today.
Card Draw - There was no winner for the card draw this week.
Other news from the floor:
Scholarship Awards for Elk River and Ivan Sands coming up.
If you can help with setup and takedown of the meeting site every week, please let John or Melanie know.
The Farmers Market starts June 13, 3-7pm and Rotary will be collecting lithium batteries every week. If you are attending the Farmers Market, check in with the table and see if they need anything.
Pearls of Wisdom:
“The way to war is a well-paved highway and the way to peace is still a wilderness.” Paul Harris
Last Time We Met 5/2/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Debbi Rydberg.
We sang and recited the pledge: We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Attending Dirk Barrett, Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Molly Hanson, Katie Harstad, Heather Kliewer, Bonnie Koste, Tove Lichty, Pete Reiner, Debbi Rydberg, Theresa Slominski, Nicole Wojcik, Glen Ertel, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler
Guests Attending Victoria Powell and Melissa Pribyl with Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition, Garrett
Program Molly Hanson introduced Mellisa Pribyl, a Community Health Nurse with Centracare, and Victoria Powell, the Assistant County Attorney with Sherburne County, who both work with the Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition, SUP for short. It is a youth service organization to provide resources to youth to keep them from using drugs and alcohol or help them if they are. Melissa spoke first and shared the Mission of the Coalition is to prevent youth substance use by promoting safe and healthy choices among community members. It was officially established in 2012 by Sheriff Joel Brott and works in partnership with the sheriff’s department. Their focus is middle school and high school students 12-18 years old. They receive $125,000 from a Drug Free Communities grant that is overseen by the CDC. There is a match they must do that is comprised of volunteer time, space used, materials utilized, mileage, Melissa and Victoria’s time, etc. that totals $187,500. There are twelve different sectors that make up the partners in the community and these partners meet once a month. One of the sectors they are needing more representation in is the Business sector, such as a business owner or part of a business, and they would love your business perspective on all things youth. They shared information from an anonymous state-wide survey from 2013-2022 and there was a decrease in all categories of the past 30-day use for the last three years! Using this data the areas of focus for SUP are alcohol, marijuana, and e-cigarettes use. Interestingly and unfortunately, this data also shows that Sherburne County youth are more likely to use these than other youth in the state. Victoria talked about the things she is seeing in the courtroom, such as kids getting DWIs, kids as young as twelve stealing cars, the fact that kids think “everyone is doing it”, that drugs like LSD and mushrooms are back and kids aren’t always sure what they are using. These trends are harming kids physically, emotionally, psychologically, and criminally, and kids as young as ten can be charged. What can we do? Educate ourselves, be good role models, talk often in short “snip-its” to youth encouraging them not to use, and keep them busy with after school activities as this is the most likely time for using in middle school and high school. Their website has many resources (like where your kids hide the drugs) at
Their closing statement was “If we don’t deal with it now, we will be dealing with it later”.
District Updates World Immunization week was April 24-30 and Debbi shared a link with information:
Board and Committee Updates Membership Induction – Julie Fish officially inducted Roger Clemons to our membership today! Congratulations Roger!
Rotary Vocational Minute – through a series of questions, Debbi invited Katie Harstad to talk about her vocation at Rockwoods and her commitment to Rotary.
The Board meeting was today at 11 a.m. Updates are: • We have two scholarship nights coming up: May 15, 7 p.m., at Zabee Theater for Elk River High School, and June 3, 7 p.m., at Ivan Sands. Both schools will receive two $1,500 scholarships. If you would like to be present to help award the scholarships with Molly Hanson and Heather Kliewer, let Molly know. •
We have an opportunity to serve alcohol and beer at the Livin’ event, Saturday, September 14, so please save the date on your calendars. More information will be coming.
Next week will be Ceallaigh (Kelly) Smart from Haiti Outreach for our program.
There will be a Taste meeting after the regular meeting May 9. The Paul Harris ceremony will be June 20, as well as the passing of the gavel.
Fundraising Opportunities Delights and Dilemmas
Heather Kliewer was delighted that her son Jackson is officially marrying a doctor, as his finance passed her physical therapy exam.
Tove Lichty was delighted for her awards banquet last week, and hopefully solve her raccoon problem today with a new pole purchase for her bird feeder.
Theresa Slominski was delighted and grateful for family as her siblings are all working well together in solving issues and taking care of her mother.
Debbi Rydberg was delighted to visit a potential sitter/daycare for the cats, Chip and Dale, while travelling. Birthdays –
There were no birthdays to celebrate today.
Card Draw - There was no winner for the card draw this week.
Other news from the floor: If you are interested in helping John and Melanie set up before meetings, please let them know.
Pub, Putts, and Par, the Otsego Lions’ Pub Crawl and mini golf event will be May 18, from 12 noon to 4 p.m.
June 27 is the Chamber golf tournament at the Elk River Golf Club and it is filling up fast.
July 26 is the CAER golf tournament, and June 7 is the Three Rivers Community Foundation golf tournament.
Pearls of Wisdom: “People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.” Earl Nightengale
Last Time We Met 4/25/2024
T oday our meeting was led by President Debbi Rydberg. We sang and recited the pledge:
We pledge ourselves to; Create Hope in the World;. We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrows' leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Dirk Barrett, Wade Bastian, Terry Bizal, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Katie Harstad, Thomas Kerber, Heather Kliewer, Mark Kuyava, Dr. Laura Mullennex, Cal Portner, Pete Reiner, Debbi Rydberg, Theresa Slominski, Joe Stremcha, Nicole Wojcik, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler
Guests Attending
Debbi introduced Bret Denison of Diageo Hospitality Partnership Spirits Education; Tasting. They are a parent company that owns many different brands of liquor. The program was very educational on what bourbon is and isn’t. To be sold as Bourbon in the USA, it needs to be made in the United States, must be made from at least 51% corn, aged in new charred oak barrels, and it can’t be distilled to over 160 proof. It is one of the most regulated alcohols in the world. We sampled Bulleit Bourbon, Bulleit Rye,
George Dickel 8 years, and George Dickel Bottled in Bond. Bret was very knowledgeable and provided a wealth of information regarding bourbon, whiskey, whisky, proofs, definitions of labels, the production processes, and history of the liquor.
District Updates
Shark Tank is May 8th . It is a virtual event and Debbi will be attending. Let her know if you are interested in attending also.
Board and Committee Updates
Service Committee – Mark Kuyava shared that we will be collecting lithium batteries at the Farmers Market every week this summer. We will also be helping as bartenders with the Livin Event at the racetrack in September and more information will be coming.
The next Taste meeting will be May 9 after the regular meeting. Katie thanked everyone for the feedback on the ticket site. Jim Boyle will be doing an article in May.
Public Relations - Cal Portner shared that Star News has started publishing the upcoming speakers in the Star News, and so thank you to those who provided bios on the program along with the speaker and organization name.
May 2, 11 a.m. is the next Board meeting.
May 2 program will be Victoria Powell and Melissa Pribyl with Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition.
May 9 program will be Ceallaigh (pronounced Kelly) Smart from Haiti Outreach.
Rotary Vocational Minute – through a series of questions, Debbi invited Neil Gagnon to talk about his vocation at The Bank of Elk River and his commitment to Rotary.
Fundraising Opportunities
Delights and Dilemmas
T erry Bizal thanked Debbi for leading the Student of the Month program last week in his absence and was delighted to have attended his daughter’s game in Montreal.
Wade Bastian was delighted to have done maple “syruping” for the first time. He has two batches, a “blonde” and a “brunette”.
Julie Fish was delighted with Saturday’s adventures. She went to friends’ Ryan and Becky Thompson’s Produce in Nowthen to get eggs and a sneak peak at the greenhouses. Then she went to her sister’s house for a visit with her five grandkids under the age of 4 and loved the noise and the chaos!
Bob Maxwell thanked Katie for her help with the ticket site that is ready to go once we get the all clear.
John Osterman was delighted to have talked with Cathy Mehelich at Marilyn VanPatten’s funeral and coordinate a Polio Plus bowling tournament with the St. Cloud Rotary.
Neil Gagnon was delighted for the Timberwolves 2-0 record over the Suns, significant because they have been dominated by them losing 13 of last 15 games previously.
Tom Kerber was delighted to have passed his private pilot’s exam a week and a half ago, and his number two son passed his driver’s exam.
Cal Portner was delighted for the NFL draft to actually start today because he is sick of all the speculative drafts.
Nicole Wojcik was delighted to have attended a Tim McGraw concert, and Sunday they opened the camper and only found 5 mice. She had a bit of a dilemma with April as a close friend of Haley’s passed away and Marilyn’s funeral was the third one in the month, and the six year anniversary of her dad passing on Tuesday. She went to the cemetery with her mom and then went shopping and they had a great day together.
Birthdays - Wade Bastian paid $20 not to be sung to for his birthday.
Card Draw - There was no winner for the card draw this week.
Debbi said that there was good Rotary representation at Marilyn’s funeral and wake.
Pearls of Wisdom:
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but whenever
you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” Unknown Author
Last Time We Met 4/18/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Debbi Rydberg. We sang and recited the pledge:
We pledge ourselves to Create Hope in the World. We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrows leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with
integrity and genuine care.
Wade Bastian, Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Heather Kliewer, Tove Lichty, Cal Portner, Pete Reiner, Debbi Rydberg, Alan Sakry, Theresa Slominski, Joe Stremcha, Glen Ertel, Bob Maxwell, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler
Guests Attending
Patricia McClease, District Governor; Syd McGowan with FirsTeam; Gigi Clemons (Melanie’s daughter); Student of the month, Isaac Sydow and parents Lori and Kelly Sydow; and Garrett who is checking out our club.
It was Club Assembly today and we started by recognizing our Student of the Month, Isaac Sydow. He is captain of the Tennis Team and also captain of the Robotics Team, a position he has held for the past four years. He is also on the Math Team and a member of the Jazz Band. His favorite classes are Manufacturing Shop and Calculus. He plans on attending the University of Wisconsin – Madison and majoring in Engineering after graduating. In his spare time, he likes to repair vehicles, create metal art, build rockets, JAVA programming, fly drones, scuba diving, and sailing. His leadership style is to learn and then teach and encourage others. He believes anyone can do anything they set their mind to!
Next was Paul Harris recognition. Julie Fish, Tove Lichty, and Cal Portner each received Paul Harris pins for their generous contributions to the Rotary Foundation. Also recognized but not present was Stewart Wilson. District Governor Patricia McClease thanked them for their generosity.
Debbi Rydberg shared that we will be collecting lithium batteries at the Farmers Market each week this summer. She has also been asked to share information about our collection events with the Conference of Clubs.
Julie Fish thanked everyone for attending the membership social last week. We had 19 people attend, gave away four gift cards, and recognized Melanie Clemons for bringing the most guests to our meetings and having the most new members join, and all had fun.
Next week at Rotary we will have Bret Denison from Diageo Hospitality Partnership Spirits for some education and tasting.
Patricia McClease was asked if she would like to share a few words and she said she was happy to attend our meeting today, thanked the Paul Harris contributors, and then asked various members what they were proud of with our club.
Tove Lichty was proud of the audio visual display that is now at each club meeting, Theresa Slominski was proud of our opportunity to partner with the club in Rwanda for a global grant (and also asked for another committee member to join!),
John Osterman was proud of our Taste event, Wade Bastian was proud of the welcome he received as a new club member,
Peter Reiner was proud of all our Paul Harris members, and
Julie Fish was proud of the Student of the Month program we have.
Debbi Rydberg shared that Marilyn VanPatten-Chuba passed away April 14 of Glioblastoma brain tumors. The visitation will be Tuesday, April 23 4-7pm at Dares Funeral and Cremation in Elk River, and the funeral will be Wednesday, April 24 12:30 at St Andrew’s Church. A moment of silence was held followed by a few moments of remembering her lively spirit as others shared favorite memories.
Rotating Reports
District updates
Celebration of Clubs is Saturday, May 4, $20 per person, at the Phipps Center for Arts in Hudson, WI, and Boyd Huppert will be the speaker.
Fundraising Opportunities
Delights and Dilemmas:
Cal Portner was delighted to attend a tribute band concert for ELO at the Burnsville Center and an upcoming trip to Vienna and Prague with his wife and daughter.
Bob Maxwell was delighted to be back om Arizona.
Roger Clemons was delighted and proud of his daughter, Melanie Clemons, for being honored as the Volunteer of the Month for the City of Elk River.
Theresa Slominski was delighted Bob was back, for the student of the month, and that Patricia was able to visit us.
Tove Lichty had a dilemma that raccoons broke her new Oriole bird feeder.
Wade Bastian was delighted to be able to carry on the Leadership Breakfast that Jim Acres used to organize. He has passed and the Leadership Breakfast is now in his name and will be held 5/16.
Heather Kliewer was delighted to be able to recognize the wonderful person Marilyn was, and for the Loons playing at the Dayton bar last Saturday.
Julie Fish was delighted for Marilyn’s life, for Melanie because she loves Rotary so much, for Garrett attending our social and coming back to visit our club meeting, the attendance at the social, and for her business being recognized in the small business section of the newspaper in March.
Alan Sakry was delighted for the 5 days of peace and quiet he had while his wife and daughter were in Arizona hiking, had a dilemma when his furnace went out during that time, and a delight in memory of Marilyn.
Debbi Rydberg was delighted to have attended an Air Force concert in St Michael for her husband’s birthday, and also in remembering Marilyn.
Birthdays – There were no birthdays to recognize this week.
T he winner for the card draw this week was Theresa Slominski.
Pearls of Wisdom:
“Minds are like parachutes – they only function when they are open.” Thomas Dewar, in honor of a Braver Angels event Debbi Rydberg attended Tuesday evening.
Last Time We Met 4/4/2024
Today our meeting was led by President Debbi Rydberg. We sang and recited the pledge:
We pledge ourselves to "Create Hope in the World". We will accomplish this by reaffirming our mission to inspire leaders with passion to serve humanity, strengthen youth for tomorrow's leadership and dedicate ourselves to enhancing lives in our world. Before we speak, act, or make decisions, let us pause and ask ourselves: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These are our compass and will ensure that our actions are filled with integrity and genuine care.
Melanie Clemons, Roger Clemons, Julie Fish, Neil Gagnon, Molly Hanson, Katie Harstad, Heather Kliewer, Bonnie Koste, Mark Kuyava, Dr. Laura Mullennex, Cal Portner, Debbi Rydberg, Theresa Slominski, Nicole Wojcik, Bill Yueill, John Osterman, Bruce Tyler
Guests Attending
Rachael Hill of Jeff Hill Legacy Fund and Molly Ruby, Associate Director of YMCA
Melanie Clemons introduced Rachael Hill with the Jeff Hill Legacy Fund. Jeff Hill was Rachael’s husband and they met in the Air Force right out of high school in Technical Training and were married in Guam when they were 19 years old. They lived in Alaska for a time and then were transferred to Mississippi where both their sons were born. He was diagnosed with a medical condition the jeopardized his ability to be a pilot, however he fought this and was able to continue to be a pilot and in 2007 received
his dream assignment to fly C17s in Alaska. The family did a
lot of camping and outdoor activities together while in Alaska and were living the dream! On July 28, 2010, Jeff was called out to a routine flight assignment, expecting to return home after dinner time. Rachael received the phone call that the plane went down killing all four crew members on board. The boys were 3 and 5, and she made a pact with herself that they were not going to live a sad life but were somehow going to turn this tragedy into something good – she just didn’t know what or how. Several of her friends made suggestions over time and it just kind of happened that the Jeff Hill Legacy Fund was created. She shared a video of Jeff and her family’s life, with pictures of scholarship winners and fundraising events. The organization has given over $150,000 to 80 cadets in scholarships to the University of Anchorage Alaska, (Jeff was the first pilot to receive his wings at the Anchorage detachment and is really why the whole thing started), the University of Minnesota, and the University of Madison Wisconsin. In addition to money, the organization is about taking care of others. Jeff was the guy who was always taking care of others, and the organization is a network to do just that. One of her favorite quotes is that a person dies twice, the first time when they stop breathing, and the second time when their name is spoken the last time. Through this legacy, she can continue to impact lives and have Jeff remembered, and his name spoken.
Rotating Reports
District updates
- Celebration of Clubs is Saturday, May 4, $20 per person, at the Phipps Center for Arts in Hudson, WI, and Boyd Huppert will be the speaker. We applied for awards in Club Service, Administration, Community Service, and Public Image.
Community update reports
- We had a board meeting before this meeting. Some updates are we are going to award $6,000 in scholarships: 2 $1,500 scholarships to Ivan Sands and 2 $1,500 scholarships to Elk River high school. Fundraiser goals for the foundation were $2,000 for the general fund and we have given $2,220 YTD, and $2,500 for Polio Plus and we have given $1,537 YTD. The Star News has offered to publish our upcoming speaker list for our programs, however, to do this we need to provide the information earlier to Bruce and Cal and need to include a little bio of the program. We voted for two new members and have added Alan Sakry and Roger Clemons to our membership.
- Julie Fish gave an update on the membership campaign. The celebration will be April 11 at POUR Cocktail Bar and Bites, 5:30-7:30pm and we will not have a regular meeting that day. Appetizers and one drink will be provided.
- Katie Harstad gave a Taste update. We are looking for other fundraising game ideas – something big and visually impactful, like a giant Wheel of Fortune wheel or something. We are moving from a silent auction to a raffle for donated items. The Taste date is August 8, 2024 this year.
- If you are interested in helping represent Rotary and present the scholarships to either Ivan Sands on June 4 7:00pm, or Elk River on May 22 7:00pm, please let Molly Hanson know.
- April 18 will be Club Assembly, there will be four Paul Harris pins to present, and there will be a Student of the Month presentation.
Fundraising Opportunities
Delights and Dilemmas:
Debbi Rydberg had a dilemma for being hacked on Tuesday but was delighted for her IT guy.
Cal Portner was delighted to announce he will be a grandfather for the first time in September.
Roger Clemons was delighted to have returned from Mexico with his youngest granddaughter, and for the Twins opener today.
Molly Hanson had a dilemma that she was in a car accident on her way to Rotary today. She is grateful for her insurance agent, and her friendship with Rachael who was so supportive with her sister’s death.
Melanie Clemons was delighted for Rachael and her boys, and her parents’ 55th anniversary 4/19.
Heather Kliewer was delighted with the story of Rachael’s husband and that they share the same birthday, May 29.
Nicole Wojcik was delighted that Haley’s surgery went well, and for her stepson in the Air Force and was encouraged with Rachael’s story and the support the organization provides.
Bonnie Koste had a dilemma that her son’s best friend’s father (Dan Ward) lost his life in a farm accident, and he was a wonderful man who helped everyone and was loved by everyone.
Neil Gagnon was delighted to be back from a family road trip to Florida. He had a dilemma that after switching his home and auto insurance he has a tracker in his vehicle, and he may lose his discount.
Birthdays – Molly’s birthday is next week, and she gave $20 not to have us sing to her.
There was no winner for the card draw this week.
Wade Bastian had an announcement that the Jim Acres Leadership Breakfast is May 16, 7am at the Legion. Trisha Mowry of Metalcraft will be the keynote speaker.
Pearls of Wisdom:
“Most everything that you want is just outside your comfort zone.” Jack Canfield